Typically British Foods We Can't Live Without

There's several foods us British people cannot live without. It's a simply matter of fact.

I know I experienced these withdrawal symptoms when I was away travelling for three months and was shocked at the lack of tasty food around the world.

Image result for british flagYou don't realise how much you'll miss the English cuisine, I can honestly say nothing else measures up to our food and I will never take it for granted again.


No one does gravy like we do. Our British Sunday roasts are honestly the greatest thing to grace this planet. If the gravy isn't seriously good then it just ruins the whole dish, let's be honest. Us Brits try to put gravy on food whenever we have chance. Sausage and mash? Bang some gravy on there. Pie and chips? Bang some gravy on there. It's just a thing we do.

Sausage Rolls

Now this is one thing I experienced when I was away that I will not get over. Places such as Australia and New Zealand have BEEF sausage rolls. Not PORK. But BEEF. I mean, as a British citizen I was outraged by this concept. I'm sure Greggs would agree with me. Never in all my life have I known anything other than a pork sausage roll.

Image result for sausage rollsSo when I first discovered these sausage rolls were beef, I had actually purchased one without realising what was in store for me. I took a bite and immediately felt something wasn't right...I took another and it still tasted odd. I then looked at the meat inside the pastry and realised it was darker than pork and then it hit me...it was beef. I was not impressed and will not be having one ever again.


Image result for beansPossibly my favourite British food is beans. Beans is similar to gravy, it can go with pretty much anything. Obviously there's the full English breakfast, beans are crucial for this.

Every British child grew up with Heinz beans as part of their regular evening meals. Fish fingers, beans and chips was an absolute classic and I would still absolutely demolish a plate of that today. Oh my days...and smiley faces. Smiley faces were the best thing. If you came home from school and asked your mum what was for tea and she told you they were on the menu, your day was actually made.


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